
Nepali Datepicker in Excel

To start using Nepali Datepicker in Excel, first install the Nepali Excel Addin. Once the Nepali Excel Addin has been installed, follow the instructions below: Enable Nepali Datepicker shortcuts Using Nepali Datepicker Disable Nepali Datepicker Shortcuts

Using Nepali Date Picker in a modal popup

In this post, we are going to look at how we can use Nepali Date Picker in a jQuery/ReactUI modal popup. I have seen a lot of queries from the users having difficulty using the nepali date picker in a modal popup. Most people use jQuery with their websites and web applications, so I am […]

Using Nepali Date Picker with AngularJs

In this post, we are going to look at how we can use Nepali Date Picker with AngularJs. AngularJs has been there for a long time since 2010, and we have many many applications that are written in AngularJs. Today lets take a look at how we can use Nepali Date Picker with AngularJs. You […]

Preeti / Kantipur font sorting in Excel

Since preeti/kantipur font uses a different scripting internally, sorting using normal excel function will result in sorting according to the english alphabet rather than the preeti/kantipur font text. So, the only solution this was to convert the text from preeti/kantipur font to unicode, and then sort it and convert it back. I had implemented the […]

Javascript: How to get difference between two dates in days accurately

We have always run into a situation when we need to calculate the difference between two dates, but there is no concrete method that gives us the number of days accurately. This is the function that is used widely. // Old Function function date_diff(date1, date2){ var one_day = 1000 * 3600 * 24; var time_diff […]

Javascript: How to break out of the forEach

While working with Java Script, all of us must have surely run into the case where we need to loop through an array and break the running loop if a certain condition is met. There are many methods how we can loop through an array but we are always looking for the most efficient way […]

Code Igniter : Log all queries

Developing applications in Code Igniter is fun and easy, as we do not have to write much of the actual queries because of its Active Record Implementation. Moreover, we can find plugins for CI which will write all the model classes for you in a click. As we keep on developing application, we might sometimes […]

Setup Code Igniter on a subdomain

Setting up CodeIgniter application on a sub domain can be a huge challenge. It seems to work fine on the view pages, but when we try to submit a form, or link pages, it shows a 505 error page. Our application just becomes useless when we are not able to submit a single form. After […]

Dynamic CRUD Stored Procedures using PHP

Tired of writing Stored Procedures for regular CRUD operations? Here is useful PHP script, which generates the script for the required stored procedures. This code studies the table structure and creates the stored procedures accordingly. <?php $tableName = "Your Desired Table"; // Connection String $conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root',''); // Select database mysql_select_db('<DBNAME>', $conn); $result = […]

Generate Auto Table of Contents in Microsoft Word

Generating table of contents automatically in Microsoft Word is one of the necessities for bachelor level students these days. We get loaded with lots and lots of projects each and every semester and along with the projects come reports. Before 2-3 years, I didn’t know about this amazing feature in word. I’d say that I […]