Nepali Functions Addin for Excel consists of various functions that help nepali excel users to perform tasks easily. The list of available functions are listed below:
Available Formats:
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Please watch the video below on how to install the "Nepali Excel Addin" on your system. Go to How to install Nepali Excel Addin to view the step by step instructions.
Please watch the video below on how to use the various date functions below.
AD2BS ( "enter_ad_date" ) Returns the converted BS date Example: AD2BS( "12/25/2016") // Returns 2073/09/10 |
AD2BS ("date", "source_format", "target_format") Returns the converted BS date in the given target format Example: AD2BS("07/07/2020", "MM/DD/YYYY", "YYYY-MM-DD") // Returns 2020-03-23 |
BS2AD ( "enter_bs_date" ) Returns the converted AD date Example: BS2AD( "2073/12/25") // Returns 4/7/2017 |
BS2AD ("date", "source_format", "target_format") Returns the converted AD date in the given target format Example: BS2AD ("2077/03/23", "YYYY/MM/DD", "YYYY-MM-DD") // Returns 2020-07-07 |
ConvertDateFormat( "enter_date", "source_format", "target_format" ) Returns the converted date from source format to target format Example: ConvertDateFormat( "2073/12/25", "YYYY/MM/DD", "YYYY-MM-DD") // Returns 2073-12-25 |
BsDatesDiff( "start_date", "end_date" ) Returns the number of days between start date and end date Example: BsDatesDiff( "2073/2/3", "2073/2/5" ) // Returns 2 between 2 BS Dates |
BsAddDays( "bs_date", no_of_days ) Add or subtract number from the provided BS date Example: BsAddDays( "2073/2/3", 5 ) // Returns 2073/2/8 number of days from a BS Date |
BsIsEqualTo ("bs_date1", "bs_date2" ) Check if two dates are equal Example: BsIsEqualTo( "2073/2/3", "2073/2/3" ) // Returns true |
BsIsEqualTo ("bs_date1", "bs_date2", "date_format" ) Check if two dates are equal with the specified date format Example: BsIsEqualTo( "02/03/2073", "02/03/2073", "MM/DD/YYYY" ) // Returns true |
BsIsGreaterThan ("bs_date1", "bs_date2" ) Check if date1 is greater than date2 Example: BsIsGreaterThan( "2073/2/5", "2073/2/3" ) // Returns true |
BsIsGreaterThan ("bs_date1", "bs_date2", "date_format" ) Check if date1 is greater than date2 with the specified date format Example: BsIsGreaterThan( "02/05/2073", "02/03/2073", "MM/DD/YYYY" ) // Returns true |
BsIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo ("bs_date1", "bs_date2" ) Check if date1 is greater than or equal to date2 Example: BsIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo( "2073/2/5", "2073/2/3" ) // Returns true BsIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo( "2073/2/3", "2073/2/3" ) // Returns true |
BsIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo ("bs_date1", "bs_date2", "date_format" ) Check if date1 is greater than or equal to date2 with the specified date format Example: BsIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo( "02/05/2073", "02/03/2073", "MM/DD/YYYY" ) // Returns true BsIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo( "02/03/2073", "02/03/2073", "MM/DD/YYYY" ) // Returns true |
BsIsLessThan ("bs_date1", "bs_date2" ) Check if date1 is greater than date2 Example: BsIsLessThan( "2073/2/1", "2073/2/3" ) // Returns true |
BsIsLessThan ("bs_date1", "bs_date2", "date_format" ) Check if date1 is greater than date2 with the specified date format Example: BsIsLessThan( "02/01/2073", "02/03/2073", "MM/DD/YYYY" ) // Returns true |
BsIsLessThanOrEqualTo ("bs_date1", "bs_date2" ) Check if date1 is greater than or equal to date2 Example: BsIsLessThanOrEqualTo( "2073/2/1", "2073/2/3" ) // Returns true BsIsLessThanOrEqualTo( "2073/2/3", "2073/2/3" ) // Returns true |
BsIsLessThanOrEqualTo ("bs_date1", "bs_date2", "date_format" ) Check if date1 is greater than or equal to date2 with the specified date format Example: BsIsLessThanOrEqualTo( "02/01/2073", "02/03/2073", "MM/DD/YYYY" ) // Returns true BsIsLessThanOrEqualTo( "02/03/2073", "02/03/2073", "MM/DD/YYYY" ) // Returns true |
Please watch the video below on how to use the various number functions below.
number2unicode( number ) Convert number to unicode text Example: number2unicode( 12345 ) // Returns १२३४५ |
unicode2number( "unicode_number" ) Convert unicode number to number Example: number2unicode( "१२३४५" ) // Returns 12345 |
number2words( enter_number, show_units ) Returns the result in preeti font. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true. Example: number2words( 123 ) // Returns Ps ;o t}O; |
number2words_preeti( enter_number, show_units ) Returns the result in preeti font. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true. Example: number2words_preeti( 123 ) // Returns Ps ;o t}O; |
number2words_unicode( enter_number, show_units ) Returns the result in unicode. Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true. Example: number2words_unicode( 123 ) // Returns एक सय तेइस रुपैंया |
number2words_english( enter_number, show_units ) Returns the result in nepali system ( crore, lakh, thousand ). Here show_units is optional and set to false by default; Shows paisa count if set to true. Example: number2words_english( 123 ) // Returns One Hundred and Twenty Three |
font2unicode( "preeti/kantipur text" ) Converts text written in preeti/kantipur font to unicode text Example: font2unicode( "g]kfn" ) // Returns नेपाल |
unicode2font( "unicode text" ) Converts text written in unicode to preeti/kantipur font Example: unicode2font( "नेपाल" ) // Returns g]kfn |
You can download the file here: